1. Fees are to be paid monthly in advance strictly as per fees card.
2. Fees are payable for 12 months in the year and DD
3. The school fees may be paid in cash/cheque in the school form Monday to Friday.
4. A late fee of Rs 5/- per day will be charged on bill paid after 15th of the month of concerning schedule of payment.
5. Students are charged fees as long their names are on the roll.
6. The founder body reserves the right to increase the fees at any time of the year if it is found necessary.
7. Pupils whose fees are due for a long time may be barred from appearing at any main FA/SA examination and are liable to have their names struck off the rolls.
8. In case of lose of Fee Card Rs. 50/- will be charged for new card.
9.No students will be issued a transfer certificates until all the dues of the school has been cleared. T.C. shall be issued after withdrawal application is given in on month in advance or one month's advance fees along with the T.C. fees. No. dues slips from the account will be given before obtaining T.C.